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7 Latest Gen Z Trends You Should Know (but not care)

Let's talk about some latest Gen Z Trends and also more important things for you to care about.

trendy Gen Z girl in the square

Trend #1:

Gen Z spends an astonishing 24-48 hours per month on TikTok, which is around 5% of their total awake time.

Trend #2:

A significant 83% of Gen Z shops on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for their purchasing decisions.

Trend #3:

Despite the rise in social media commerce, almost 1 in 3 Gen Z individuals unfollow or block brand social media accounts weekly, emphasizing the need for authentic engagement rather than profit-focused content.

Trend #4:

Social media and smartphones are integral to Gen Z, with 95% owning a smartphone and 60% stating that digital first impressions are more critical than in-person ones.

Trend #5:

93% of parents say their Gen Z children influence their household spending, and 70% seek their advice before making purchase decisions.

Trend #6:

Gen Z’s commitment to authenticity and social issues is strong, with 73% only buying from brands they believe in, and 71% remaining loyal even if the brand makes a mistake.

Trend #7:

They are environmentally conscious, with 64% willing to pay more for eco-friendly products.

Do these surprise you?☝🏻


As important as these numbers may be, they’re only one small piece of the puzzle that makes up your Ideal Client.


To choose the right target audience means:

All your messaging is laser focused

You know what they think when they see it

You know when to follow up with an ~Offer~ that they will happily sign up for because it’s exactly what they’ve been looking for…


Isn’t it just a dream?


Actually all that is completely possible and available to everyone, and it’s called ~drumroll please~ 🥁🥁🥁🥁




🤔Whether it’s Gen Z or Millennials, do you know what they might be thinking about when they call you for a service?  


🤔 What circumstances brought them here, to YOU?


🤔What kind of frustrations or joys do they have in life?


💡It’s questions like these, not demographics, that really tell you something about someone.


You don’t have to know what other brands they like.


You only must know what drives them either to or away from something.


And then help them - by either making their life better or making it less bad.


A famous marketing professor once said that “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!”


Say you own a Massage Therapy business and have several therapists on staff. Your ad may say… 💭off the top of my head… something like this:


🎬“Hard day at work?

Sounds like it’s been a while since your last massage.

We can fit you in right before your long commute home.

Skip the traffic.

Get a massage.

Call now.” 🎬


Now. Pretty obvious who the ideal client is here. The trick is to think about this person BEFORE you put out the ad.


🎬 This ad is a CALL for someone stuck at the office all day AND only having a long commute home to look forward to (or on a “good day” maybe - cocktails with coworkers 🥂)


Can you imagine how many people like that live in a big city?

Couldn’t you build your whole business around this demographic?

Can you imagine how much money you could save on all the marketing that targets all the people who will never be your customers?

And would this ad cut through all the other crap out there??


🙋🏼‍♀️If you like this post and stats and you’d like to know more, then you should sign up for my newsletter - it's much shorter and snappier!


Better yet, let's talk about how I can help with your business.

L8r g8r (this is me demonstrating I'm not a Gen Z).

~ Olga

NOTE: the above trends have been researched and compiled based on meta analysis performed by Olga Martin. If you need sources for where the statistic came from, please reach out and we'd be happy to send them over!

p.s.: here's a gift for you - a Gen Z Trends Infographic. Thanks for stopping by!

7 LATEST GEN Z TRENDS 1. Gen Z spends an astonishing 24-48 hours per month on TikTok, which is around 5% of their total awake time 2. A significant 83% of Gen Z shops on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook for their purchasing decisions 3. Despite the rise in social media commerce, almost 1 in 3 Gen Z individuals unfollow or block brand social media accounts weekly, emphasizing the need for authentic engagement rather than profit-focused content 4. Social media and smartphones are integral to Gen Z, with 95% owning a smartphone and 60% stating that digital first impressions are more critical than in-person ones 5. 93% of parents say their Gen Z children influence their household spending, and 70% seek their advice before making purchase decisions 6. Gen Z’s commitment to authenticity and social issues is strong, with 73% only buying from brands they believe in, and 71% remaining loyal even if the brand makes a mistake 7. They are environmentally conscious, with 64% willing to pay more for eco-friendly products

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